Lantre Barr of Blaccspot Media talks WebRTC at Real Time Web Solutions NYC 2016
As businesses collect more and more data, they will require storage capabilities that are easily and secure, accessible, and quickly scalable for pure storage as well as data analytics.
As the adopotion of cloud computing continues to increase, businesses are finding, while they understand the potential benefits, they need help understanding the security and compliance ramifications of moving data into cloud data centers.
Businesses have reached beyond education and are starting to make signifcant cloud computing deployments, which means they need an awareness of public and private resources, which to deploy in what instances, and how to manage and maintain applications across both domains.
In order to enable customers to create new revenue streams from their content and applications, cloud providers can provide test environments to allow businesses to more efficiently develop and test new applications.
One of the challenges for multinational enterprises is establishing connectivity between infrastructure located on different continents. The Transatlantic Data Center Alliance helps overcome many of these challenges, including regulatory and compliance needs.
While the benefits of virtualization and cloud computing are generally understood, efficienty utilization of virtual servers and other cloud resources requires accurate modeling of needs.
Virtual application development allows businesses to build new applications on top of existing solutions and lets businesses to unify their on-premises and cloud infrastructure components to leverage all network systems to create maximum value.
Enterprises are recognizing they can achieve benefits with cloud computing and are ready to start depoloying cloud solutions. But they need help understand which technologies are best suited for them and how to most effectively use them to generate revenue.
People often think of Cloud as a place. Instead, Axway's John Thielens talks about cloud computing as a way of delivering product and managing infrastructure in a secure environment.
As enterprises move more and more applications and data to the cloud, they have to be increasingly aware of compliance and regulatory requirements and how they relate to each piece of data they want to move.
One of the fastest growing uses cases for cloud computing is for disaster recovery strategies, allowing them to lower costs without reducing recovery or failover capabilities.
Businesses have been using business intelligence software for a long time, but cloud computing reduces the time to deloy and update software and allows businesses to more efficiently work with the vast amounts of business data they collect.
Cloud storage provides big data creators to focus their IT resources on other critical business operations instead of data management and maintenance.
TMC’s Erik Linask speaks with Falon Fatami, Head of Business Development of Firespotter
Geoffrey Giordano of Spotted Dog Technologies speaks with Rich Tehrani, CEO of TMC
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